I started playing this game a few days ago and I love it đź’› Two quick questions though, how do I re-fight legendaries I missed? I lost to Entei but when I came back to get him, he was gone. I figured it was one of those things where if you come back after defeating the Elite Four, he'd be there again, but it didn't happen. Is there some place I can rematch him?
And I've been scouring the entire region looking for the Suicune, Latios, and the Hoenn starters, but I haven't been able to find any of them. Would you mind giving a hint or a general idea of where they are? Are you aware of a memory leak problem or something in this? I've been playing with My Boy! On Android phone and it seems after any lengthy playtime session there is an inevitable crash. For example, from Fallarbor town -> Lavaridge, I used the bag and it crashed the game and emulator.
Best starter and legendary? Pokemon Emerald Super Cheats Forums.
There was also a time when, after playing for a while, trying to use the bike crashed the game. Not sure if this an issue on my end or caused by mobile but it seems to be pretty consistent that after a while the game will crash.
You look for them everywhere.sky pillar,cave of origen.dessert and more!! Go find your destiny Pokemon and head for it. If you can not find them. Than be cheater and look up on this website or buy the emerald hanbook.
(available @ target 4 15.00) I hope i enjoyed you lots. Austin41440 PS. Also check out question 'What is the most powerful Pokemon?' Answer In order of the National Pokedex, here's the Pokemon Emerald Legendaries:Regirock: Solve the mystery of the Sealed Chamber (the Sealed Chamber can be found in the currents to the west of Pacifidlog Town [Routes 132-134]). Then go to the Desert Ruins in Route 111 and catch Regirock. It will be at Level 40.

Regice: Solve the mystery of the Sealed Chamber. Then go to the Island Cave in Route 105 and catch Regice.
It will be at Level 40.Registeel: Solve the mystery of the Sealed Chamber. Then go to the Ancient Tomb in Route 120 and catch Registeel. It will be at Level 40.Latios: Latios can be found in any random location throughout Hoenn after defeating the Elite Four. If you caught Latias already and you don't have Latios, then you can find Latios on Southern Island by getting the Eon Ticket (to get the Eon Ticket, mix records with a Pokemon Ruby or Sapphire game that has the Eon Ticket, and Emerald will receive the Eon Ticket). It will be at Level 40.Latias: Latias can be found in any random location throughout Hoenn after defeating the Elite Four. If you caught Latios already and you don't have Latias, then you can find Latias on Southern Island by getting the Eon Ticket. It will be at Level 40.Kyogre: Kyogre can be found in the Marine Cave.
Go to the Weather Institute and speak with a man who studies Hoenn's weather patterns. If the man says it is raining in a certain location, go to that location and Dive. Kyogre is at the back of the cave.
It will be at Level 70.Groudon: Groudon can be found in the Terra Cave. Go to the Weather Institute and speak with a man who studies Hoenn's weather patterns. If the man says there is a drought in a certain location, go to that location and find a cave entrance. Kyogre is at the back of the cave. It will be at Level 70.
Rayquaza: Rayquaza can be found in the Sky Pillar in Route 131. It will be a Level 70.Jirachi: Jirachi can be found in a Special Event, in the Pokemon Colosseum Bonus Disc, or on Pokemon Channel.Deoxys: Deoxys can be found on Birth Island by getting the Aurora Ticket (to get the Aurora Ticket, go to a Nintendo Event). Latios or Latias:Beat the League and then there will be news on the T.V at your house.Choose blue for Latios and Red for Latias.They will appear randomly in the wild at level 40. Latios or Latias:Get the Eon ticket and go to the S.S Tidal.Go to southern Island and go forward.You will see an egg.Click A on the egg and the Lati that you didn't choose will appear. Rayquaza:Get rid of Groudon and Kyogre from Sootopolis.Go back to Sky Pillar,go to the top and there you will see Rayquaza.Make sure that you SAVE before you battle him and catch him. Rayquaza- in sky pillar at the top, at route 131, near pacifidlog, lvl 70. Groudon- must talk to weather institute man who gave you castform after beating the elite 4+champion.