
Red Wing Hunter Serial Numbers

Wing Recurve.some help please Messages posted to thread: From: Date: 13-Mar-10 Hello all, I've been collecting, shooting,trading etc, Bear bows for about 20 years. But I just got a Wing recurve off flea bay.I dont know much at all about Wing bows. Thought maybe some of you could help me out and give me some info about this bow, maybe even the year if all possible. Its a Red Wing Hunter. The bottom limb says Wing Archery company, nothing about AMF or Head Ski Company.So it must be a older one?

Red Wing Hunter Serial Numbers

1898 Marriott ‘Hunter’ 29″ Roadster. 1917 Red Wing Truss Bridge (Archbar) Bicycle (Westfield Columbia). FRAME NUMBER BICYCLE DATING GUIDE. Click Photos to Zoom. Hit 'Black Ace' recurve 72' Apollo 'Martin' Bow (1950's) Aluminum takedown. 2-Presentation I, 3-White Wing, 4-Swift Wing, 5-Silver Wing, 6-Thunderbird, 7-Chaparral, 8-Red Wing Hunter, 9-Gull, 10-Falcon, 11- Nighthawk: Yamaha Archery (1987) Yamaha Archery (1987) EX Two-Toned Handle and Ceramics.


The serial number is RA3223 58 inches. The riser seems to be maybe Bubinga and the limbs are brown, front and back. It sure is a sweet shooting bow, glad I got it Thanks From: Date: 13-Mar-10 When my uncle got me into shooting he got me a Wing Redwing Hunter as my first hunting weight bow. I was saving my money to buy a Bear bow at the sporting good store. Anyway, he and dad got me the bow and to explain why I got a Wing instead of the Bear he said, 'You buy Bear bows if you can't afford a Wing.' He said not me.;^) Enjoy the bow, Carl From: Date: 13-Mar-10 Wing archery was first then head ski co. And finally sold to amf.